APPOINTMENT: + 91 905 931 22 93
APPOINTMENT: + 91 905 931 22 93
Root Canal Treatment
Root Canal Treatment (RCT) is performed on a decayed tooth’s pulp area for protecting the tooth from further decay.
Whis it done?
A "root canal" is a term used to describe the natural cavity in the center of a tooth. It contains a soft area known as the pulp chamber that houses the nerves together. Root canal therapy is necessary if this area becomes irritated or infected due to cavities, trauma, or decay. If not treated on time, the infection can cause an abscess, leading to swelling of the face, neck, and bone loss around the roots of teeth.
Symptoms of a Root Canal Problem
1. Severe tooth pain, sensitivity to hot & cold temperatures
2. Tooth becomes discolored
3. Swollen, tender gums
4. A recurring pimple that forms on the gums
Root Canal Treatment Procedure
The root canal procedure itself typically involves one or two appointments. During the first visit, your dentist will numb the area around the tooth. A small opening is made in the crown of the tooth to access the infected pulp. Specialized instruments are then used to remove the inflamed tissue and clean the root canals. Medication may be placed inside the tooth to combat any remaining infection. A temporary filling is then applied. At the next visit, the dentist will permanently fill and seal the canals. In some cases, a crown will be placed on the tooth to restore its strength and appearance.
While a root canal might sound daunting, it's a routine procedure that can significantly improve your oral health and save your tooth.